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Tour of Park Hamesila: Urban Renewal in TLV

Railroad Park Entrance
Not Rated


90 דקות




English, Hebrew


Along the route of the old Ottoman railway, which served for years as a neglected parking lot, a magical park has recently opened, which aims to create a green urban space, from the city center to the beach.

The tour reveals historical sites and unfamiliar stories; We will get to know some of the prominent graffiti artists who work in Tel Aviv; Hear about the momentum of the restoration and preservation of the buildings on the side of the railway, and have a fascinating discussion about the processes of urban development and gentrification, of which Tel Aviv is the leader in the country, for better or worse.

We will continue to the American Colony – one of the magical places in Tel Aviv, a surprising place where time seems to stand still. Wooden huts and picturesque balconies, magical courtyards and buildings that do not belong to the Levant region.

The colony began more than 150 years ago with a Christian group from Maine in the USA. Their dream to hasten the second coming of Christ soon shattered, and the place was taken over by the Templars. Today it is one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in Tel Aviv, combining a pastoral atmosphere with a vibrant urban feel.


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Railroad Park Entrance

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